Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Centos 7 PXE diskless

The guide is here:

But I have installed Centos7 Desktop on PC(workstation) and rsynced files over to the server

ssh <workstation>
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
rsync -avz /mnt/ <server>:/tftpboot/<Diskless Centos pxe root>


dracut fatal don't know how to handle root=nfs

A start job is running for dev-nfs.device

And others like this could be fixed by using vmlinuz and initrd from here

( according to )

Working config:

[root@fox pxelinux.cfg]# cat default
default centos7

label centos7
   kernel pxeboot/centos7/sda/boot/vmlinuz
   append initrd=pxeboot/centos7/sda/boot/initrd.img root=nfs: ip=dhcp rw selinux=0

Here is how to install Gnome on Centos 7 after Base installation

you can do it after you have copied the files to the server:

chroot /tftpboot/<Diskless Centos pxe root> 
yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop" "Graphical Administration Tools"

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